Thursday, September 11, 2008

Be Aggressive and Quick on the Draw!

Sandra Ellis always says that you have to be as aggressive as what you are dealing with or it will win. She is so right!

This past week I went camping with my kids and a bunch of other homeschooling families. We went hiking and at some point a bug bit my hand. I don't believe it was a mosquito because it swelled worse and itched worse than any mosquito bite I have ever had. I knew I had been bit, and I know I needed to get some plantain to heal the bite. Unfortunately, I was carrying a 25 pound 2 yr old who refused to walk and chasing after 3 4-5 year old girls who didn't want to wait up. So, I waited for a few minutes and the itching got worse. I had to find some plantain NOW! By this time, we were in an area of the forest that didn't have much plantain. If only I had taken the time right away when the forest floor was covered in it...
So, we kept walking. After about 15 minutes I finally found some growing in a patch. I picked a few leaves and bruised them and then laid them on the back of my hand. The cool leaves seeped into my hand and the itch was instantly lessened. Unfortunately, it is hard to keep leaves stuck to the back of your hand while you carry a 2 yr old, so they didn't last long. The leaves had taken down the central bite bubble within about 5 minutes, but then the leaves fel off and one of the girls had run up ahead so I had to chase after her rather than deal with my bite. My hand still itched. When things settled down and I got back to camp, I got out my Dr. Christopher's Stings and Bites ointment, which is nothing more than plantain, olive oil, and beeswax and slathered it on. I got more fresh leaves and bruised them and put them on top. Now they stuck! I made dinner and then the ointment had been fully absorbed so the leaves fell off again. It only mildly itched and I Was chasing 3 kids so I didn't do anything else. The next morning I woke up to a swollen, red welt half the size of the back of my hand and boy did it itch! Shame on me for only partially taking care of the problem! If I had been more aggressive, I would have had it completely gone the night before but no, I had to live the consequences. I slathered more ointment on, more leaves and went about my day. I changed the leaves a few times. With in a few hours the hot and red was gone, but the itch was still there when the leaves were not glued to my hand and there was still a bit of swelling. I kept at it more dilligently and the bite cleared up.
I really should know better. But, life as a mom sometimes you don't pay that much attention to yourself.

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