Sunday, June 28, 2009

Update on the pregnancy...

I posted a few weeks back about how diet mattered- even the small stuff like sprouted grains vs. whole grains that are not sprouted. I am now 27 weeks pregnant. I am STILL WALKING. I am not waddling. In fact I just passed my karate exam for my 2nd level brown belt. That was hard work! Yes, I have slowed down and I am getting more tired more easily and I am a lot slower, but I can still walk, carry my 30 pound almost 3 yr old up the stairs, and function. I just have a belly that is getting a bit in my way these days. Diet does matter.

I am so grateful for the knowledge I gained at the School of Natural Healing. My midwives and chiropractors and anyone else I talked to had no idea how to help me, but the knowledge I learned there taught me so much. I am headed to the Centennial Celebration in August. Who wants to join me!? Also, I don't know how much longer the School of Natural Healing will be offering their Family Herbalist course for $100 but now is the time to sign up because it won't be much longer.

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