Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Remedies in your Kitchen

Today I did a class locally on herbal remedies in your kitchen... I hope those who attended got something out of it! In the next couple of days, I will post some of the questions that I got that I didn't get a chance to answer.

For today, I will leave with 1 question.

The question was what to do about bruising.

Personally I have always bruised easily. I remember as a child I constantly had bruised legs. Even as an adult, I have continued to bruise quite easily. It has not, for me, been an issue of not enough iron etc. I found that Red raspberry leaf tea EVERY day helped to clear the bruising. I have had the least bruising during my 2 pregnancies where I drank red raspberry leaf religiously every day.


Scorchi said...

I always thought bruising was a sign of vitamin C deficiency. Is that wrong?

Raspberry Leaf said...

I have heard so many theories. The most common one I have heard was iron. Second was calcium. I have never heard vitamin C. In my case, I always ate tons of fresh fruit and high vitamin C foods so I also wasn't vitamin C deficient...

Red raspberry leaf tea is high in iron, calcium, and vitamin C though so IF it is any of those, the bases are covered :)

Anonymous said...

Why not tout the merits of Arnica which relieves bruising and also pain?

Raspberry Leaf said...

I love Arnica. The question was more along the lines of prevention. Also, my lecture focused on what was in the kitchen already... the only thing I added to the list was red raspberry leaf (I am quite partial to raspberry leaf and feel it is essential in any home). But, you are quite right, Arnica is fabulous for bruising. I have used the homeopathic gel extensively. I have watched literal goose-eggs shrink before my eyes. I have seen the homeopathic tablets prevent bruising of a nailbed when smashed by a hammer. I have also used Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue and Bone formula when there has been broken skin but bruising present. It works just as well as Arnica but can be used on broken skin.