Thursday, April 7, 2011

Class #2 Questions

As promised, here are the answers to the questions given to me following the class I just taught. If your question is not present, please be sure to post a comment. Also, please take a moment to read the previous 2 class blog posts here and here blog posts since they will also be helpful. Like other issues discussed there will be some overlap.

Besides apple cider vinegar and molasses, are there any other recommendations for arthritis?
YES! Diet is huge. Avoiding all the whites (sugar, dairy, flour) and also salt. Making sure to consume good fats and oils like olive oil, fresh ground flax seeds, walnuts, etc. especially the Omega-3 oils. Ginger and Turmeric are both helpful for arthritis as is topical cayenne (there is a fabulous cayenne ointment made by Dr. Christopher's) but be careful not to rub your eyes after using it! Sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts are both high in SAM which can be helpful- although it won't be enough to equal ibuprofen, every little bit helps. Researcher James Duke, PhD, says that Broccoli and other foods like asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, and purslane (which also has Omega 3s) as well as avocados, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, and watermelon are rich in glutathione. Studies have shown people low in the antioxidant glutathione are more likely to have arthritis than those who have higher amounts...

Where do you buy things like Vitalherbs?
I would buy them from Dr. Christopher's Herbs. The young man who owns that website is reliable and has good prices.

What do you use for eczema?
Please read about the skin questions I referenced in the previous 2 class blog posts. In addition, burdock root seems to be a specific for eczema, especially on the hands. I have started taking some burdock capsules (for me 4-6 per day) to help support my liver. Eczema in all cases is related to a congested liver. Topically chickweed is soothing. Here is some information from Herbal Legacy.

What can be used for acid reflux?
If the acid reflux is structural, then soothing the GI tract would be beneficial. Marshmallow is very soothing. Paying close attention to diet. What foods trigger the reflux? Acid-forming/mucus forming foods like white flour, sugar, dairy, etc are harmful. If it is more along the lines of heartburn reflux, then the problem is more in line with not enough acid and taking apple cider vinegar will help in the long term. Be sure to CHEW your food. Dr. Christopher said we should drink our food and chew our juices. Ginger may be helpful as well. Also, consuming as much live food and low heated food as possible to give the body the natural enzymes needed to digest food would be helpful.

What are herbs that can support normal thyroid function?
Diet is as always key followed by cleansing the body. There is a combination of mullein and lobelia (3 parts mullein and 1 part lobelia) which is specific for glandular issues. Making a tea of this and placing it on the thyroid gland area will help feed the thyroid. Also, eating plenty of greens, and using your carrot tops in green smoothies helps with the pituitary which in turn helps the thyroid. Additionally, Dr. Christopher's makes a couple of thyroid aid formulas. Many people find the Thyroid Maintenance formula beneficial. Avoid fluoride in all forms- do not drink city water, use fluoridated toothpaste, etc. Fluoride is used to kill off the thyroid gland and is the WORST thing for anyone with hypothyroid tendencies!

1 comment:

Addison said...

Thanks for the shoutout to! :) I appreciate it!