Thursday, July 17, 2008

Severe Sunburn

One of these days I will get smart and start taking pictures of before and after... but I am not there yet.

Anyway, my husband went camping on Friday night with my son. He didn't get back until 8pm on Saturday. I had sent him with sunscreen. He did not put ANY on himself or my son. Thankfully, my son inherited my skin and came home with a FAINT pink line on the fleshy part of his cheek just below his eyes, which was gone by morning after a swabbing of St. John's Wort oil. My dh on the other hand was not so fortunate. He has English skin and he BURNS. He was burned from head to toe (yes even on his head where his hair is thin even though he wore a hat much of the time he was out). When he got home, his skin, especially his shoulders, face, arms, belly, back, and tops of his feet were HOT. After getting my son to bed we began to doctor him. He was dehydrated and had begun to go into shock. His hands were frozen as were his feet (except for the patch of red on top) and he was shivering. Out came my bag of tricks!

First, he took a tepid shower. Then I swabbed him down with a mixture of Calendula oil, St. John's Wort oil, and lavender essential oil. We let that soak in for a time. I gave him 1/2 tsp of Cayenne to bring him out of shock. I had him drink several TALL glasses of distilled water, which I added 1 capful of Organa Minerals, juice of 1/2 lemon, and 1 tsp grade B maple syrup to restore his lost minerals. I also had him start taking 1 T Complete Tissue Syrup every hour. He drank 2 ounces before bed. After an hour, I repeated the process with the oils and continued to push fluids. Usually the lavender oil pulls the heat out VERY fast, but it wasn't pulling the heat out fast enough for my liking. After an hour and a half, I told him I was going to make him smell like a salad. I got out the apple cider vinegar and swabbed him down with that. I have used apple cider vinegar before on burns and have had great success with pulling the heat and sting right out. I then added more of the oil mixture to his skin. After another hour, I repeated the vinegar and oil routine. By this time it was midnight and we went to bed. The next morning, many of his burns looked better and had not blistered. We repeated the vinegar and oil routine several times during the morning. I forbid him from any cooked foods for the day and continued to hydrate him. I also had him continue taking the Complete Tissue Formula syrup. He slept for part of the afternoon so I didn't repeat during the afternoon until later. Again there was improvement but his shoulders continued to be warm- not as hot as they had been but they were still very angry. We continued more of what we were doing because we had seen good results in the other burns and even some improvement with the shoulders. Monday my husband went to work. He did not put anything on his shoulders after his shoulder other than a paltry amount of Complete Tissue ointment and then some soft cloths to protect his shoulders. That night, when he got home, his shoulders were beginning to blister with fluid filled sacs- indicating a 2nd degree burn. I made up some of Dr. Christopher's burn paste and slathered that on his shoulders. He wore that, covered in lettuce leaves, and then wrapped with a soft cloth for several hours. When I returned, the size of the blisters had shrunk. We slathered on Complete Tissue Formula on his shoulders. Because he has been working, I have only been able to add more complete tissue when he gets home. His shoulders continue to show improvement and lessening of the redness. The rest of his body is now mostly a pale pink or even a little tanned. I haven't seen his shoulders today yet, as he leaves very early in the morning for work.

I will update later.


The Nielsen Clan said...

Very impressive! I love the power of herbs!

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

A very nice story of healing. God bless Dr. Christopher! I have also gone through his courses, but am lacking the Master Herbalist seminar (I always am either having a baby or have a baby!).

Blessed day,
